Supplier Code of Conduct
Our Supplier Code of Conduct outlines Kwack’s promise to do business only with suppliers and factories that share our commitment to fair and safe labour, health & environmental practices.
The Supplier Code of Conduct defines our minimum expectations. Since no code can be all-inclusive, we expect our partners to ensure that no abusive or exploitative conditions and practices or unsafe working conditions exist at the facilities where our merchandise is manufactured. We will not tolerate any vendor that directly (or indirectly, through its subcontractors), violates the laws of the country where the item is manufactured, or indeed, our own Kwack values and expectations.
Our Code of Conduct covers a number of areas including general employment standards & practices, health & safety standards & practices, environmental standards & practices, and verification methods. Each area is broken down into sub-components to address all aspects we demand our suppliers comply with. As an example, general employment standards & practices are broken down into 8 sections - forced labour, child labour & age verification, harassment or abuse, non-discrimination, wages & benefits, work hours, compliance with local laws and sub-contractors. The partners we do business with are an extension of our own organisation, and we expect they will uphold Kwack values when working with us.
As we continue to expand our supplier network into new parts of the world, part of our conversation and decision-making process is explaining the way we operate here at Kwack; all of our partners must adhere to our code of conduct without exception.